Memory manufacturers couldn't be happier about that, as it will make people to go out and buy more memory. Our source reported that Vista runs ok with 1024Mb of system memory but no-doubt 2048Mb would be much better.
Vista won't install on FAT32 partitions, it only likes NTFS partitions. We also know that the system performs quite well on an Athlon 4000+ and a Geforce 7800 GTX 512 works just fine in the mix. Aero glass looks good, we liked it when we first clapped eyes on Beta 1 version. /blockquote> Windows Vista also uses more disk space than Windows XP. It will require approximately seven gigabytes.
Windows Vista to use 800MB RAM?
Posted on Thursday, March 09 2006 @ 2:05 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck