In the big news department we have oodles. Microsoft releases Origami, or Intel releases UMPC. Whichever it is, it might be a hit. Or a flop. Hear my take, because either way, I'm getting my hands on one! Sony blows their whole "We hate our customers" cover and announces they will NOT down-res Blu-Ray content over component cables. In the same breath they make several interesting PS3 announcements, and a few PSP ones! Is Dell buying Alienware? I know the answer! Okay, I don't. But here's my take. The iMac boots XP, then promptly craps its own pants. And LG announces the only high def player that will sell: the dual format player....
Head over to Designtechnica to listen to this podcast.
Origami, PS3, and the Big Dell-Alienware Rumor!
Posted on Tuesday, March 21 2006 @ 7:21 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck