Posted on Monday, March 27 2006 @ 18:35 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Inquirer
claims Intel didn't delay Bensley because there were problems with the platform itself, the problem was the FB-DIMM memory.
Yes, those pesky FBDs are late, hot, and in short supply, so several big box slingers, let's call them collectively by the made up name "Dell", asked Intel to delay until the memory was ready. Fast forward a few months, and the situation is little better, and the outlook is not all that bright.
The problem is a chicken and egg problem. Mobo vendors won't make parts unless OEMs order them. OEMs won't order them unless there is memory available to purchase also. Customers won't buy chips unless there are mobos and memory. It all feeds on itself and becomes a giant hairy mess in short order with everyone pointing the finger at the other guy.
Intel is trying to solve the situation by working together with at least four memory to bundle the memory modules with the Dempsey processors.