Posted on Thursday, April 27 2006 @ 15:01 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Samsung Q1 UMPC will be available on the first of May, it will be the first Origami Ultra Mobile PC on the market.
However, don't look for a revolution to happen overnight. "The opportunities are big but I think the turning point is still in the future, not tomorrow," said Dadi Perlmutter, senior vice president and general manager of Intel's Mobility Group.
"We are now playing with the first wave of something," he said.
Based on the Origami platform developed by Microsoft and Intel, Samsung's Q1 runs the Tablet PC version of Windows XP and boasts a seven-inch touchscreen LCD (liquid crystal display) panel and a 900MHz Celeron M processor. With a price tag of around $1,200, Samsung expects to sell 400,000 of the devices over the next year.
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