Thursday News *2*

Posted on Thursday, January 09 2003 @ 17:39 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Kleer-Dome DIY Case Badge Kit Review
There are a lot of different case badges that you can choose from on the market today ( has 167 different designs to choose from) but what if you want something other than what is commercially available? Well the answer is easy... design it and then make one yourself using the Kleer-Dome do it yourself case badge kit

Review Link : CaseModGod

Window kit guide introduction

More @ R&B Mods

iHateSpam Review
Do you peruse the Internet a lot? Do you find yourself signing up for free stuff, contests, or to get informational e-mails? If you do you are probably unwittingly getting on a lot more e-mail lists than you think. A lot of these companies resell or trade your e-mail address and you may find your e-mail download message queue getting larger, and annoying, with junk e-mail or more commonly referred to as Spam. Once on these lists it is hard to get off and trying to 'unsubscribe' may lead to getting more, after all you did read and respond to the first one

Review Link : ASE Labs

Gallery Wizard 1.0 Review
So, you're a LANParty host and you want to promote your LANParty to the unsuspecting public, or you're a LANPartier with insatiable zeal for showing all your friends what a great time you had last weekend. Or, perhaps, you're just somebody who is looking for a good way to put some pictures online in an easy to read, quick to browse format. Well, I believe I have solution for you.

Few hosts truly realize the power of a picture in convincing people to get out of their high-back recliner and get to a local LANParty. When people see a great atmosphere, smiling guests and adulation being showered upon tournament winners, they can't help but want to attend! Gallery Wizard 1.0 offers hosts and LANPartiers the opportunity to quickly create galleries of pictures for anything from that trip to e3 with your buddies or your most recent LANParty.

Review Link : LANParty

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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