Todd zei dat Doom III het engste spel allertijden wordt, en dat de techniek en graphics het spel boven alle andere spellen moet doen uitstijgen , verder is het verhaal een remake van het oude Doom verhaal.
Ferrago: Can you reveal any of the game's plot to us? Will it evolve via cut-scenes or in-game sequences?
TH: I won't go into in detail at this time, but people should think of it as a re-telling of the original Doom. Scripted sequences will be used at certain points (as people who saw the E3 presentation realized with the now famous bathroom scene), and the gameplay itself will be story driven
Ferrago: Will the Doom III experience be a linear one, or more open-ended and free?
TH: There is a set story that drives the game, but choices are open to the player which will be critical to playing the game.
Ferrago: What provision are you making for multiplayer in the game?
TH: The focus is on a terrifying single-player experience. The multiplayer will be a simple, but fun, deathmatch-style game.
Ferrago: Finally, any word on the games possible release date?
TH: We hope to be able to have the game done sometime next year.
Begin dus maar al te sparen voor een nieuwe CPU en 3D kaart ;)
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