Posted on Tuesday, May 09 2006 @ 7:10 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
VR-Zone has reviewed and unlocked the HIS X1800GTO IceQ 3 graphics card:
Next, I tried to unlock the card by flashing a X1800XL BIOS into the card. With ATi WinFlash 1.08, I successfully unlocked the HIS X1800GTO to 16 pipelines with a flash of SAPPHIRE X1800XL BIOS. You can see that performance is boosted by 8% with the additional 4 pipelines, even though the X1800XL core speed is 20MHz slower. There was a drawback that came with the unlocking however. The clock speeds on both the core and memory could no longer hit as high a speed as it used to, no matter what voltages were thrown at it.
You can check it out over