Posted on Wednesday, May 31 2006 @ 16:45 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Steam distribution system has introduced some fantastic games since its introduction, including the very well-received Darwinia last year. Most recently, Ritual Entertainment has started releasing a series of first-person shooter episodes titled Sin Episodes. There are 9 episodes in total following an in-depth story of a security force commander John Blade. The game uses the Half-Life 2 engine on the back end but has been tweaked by the experts at Ritual to be an even better graphical system and add their own unique interactive environments. The first episode, Emergence, was released on May 9th and has provided some incredibly enticing gameplay so far. Instead of providing an entire Sin Episodes review (that wouldn’t be finished until quite some time anyway), I’ve decided to provide you a progressive report on each episode as it comes out..
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