RD600, which we reported on DailyTech yesterday, was the primary motherboard featured in the testing, but ATI also featured an Intel 975X motherboard for comparison.You can check it out over here.
The slides contain benchmarks for 3DMark2001SE, 3DMark03, 3DMark05, 3DMark06, Fear 1.03, FarCry and Everest 2.80. Unfortunately, these benchmarks are for the most part GPU bound, but what is most interesting about these slides is the overclocking. The benchmarks include the testing of a Core E6300 (1.86GHz 1066FSB) processor running at 2.4GHz with a 1372MHz front side bus.
ATI's Conroe benchmarks
Posted on Monday, June 05 2006 @ 1:21 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck