Tuesday News

Posted on Tuesday, February 11 2003 @ 14:33 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck

Vantec Nexus NXP-201 Fan Controller Review
The unit features four channels capable of handling up to 18 W each, which is more than enough for even large power demanding fans like the Vantec Tornado. The unit can adjust the voltage range from 7 to 12 volts. I would have preferred to have seen the full range of voltage present, since a 7 volt Tornado still sounds significantly louder than one running at 4 volts (the lowest voltage I could get my Tornado to remain spinning at). Most users will probably never drop their fans below 7 volts, but for users looking for a full range of adjustments, this unit falls short.

Review Link : Modthebox

LED Guide – Basic Theory and Applications
This guide is about LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes). It starts off with a little theory and then jumps into a section on how-to calculate resistance values for LED current limiting resistors. Next, I'll cover a simple circuit, which can be used to make a blue LED work with most any motherboard. The last part includes more pictures of LEDs in action.

LED Guide : Systemcooling

Spire ColorBreeze LED Fan Review
A fan is a fan is a fan. I bet you have one in your case and chances are its an old black 80mm fan. Would you like to spice up your case? Try one of the Spire ColorBreeze LED fans.

Review Link : XtReMoDs

When I first received this product it looked like an awesome heat sink. It was small and had a cool green color fan on the top. I was very excited to try it but overall somewhat disappointed after I had it installed. It didn’t seem to be pushing out as much air making it the CPU any different. It didn’t do too bad of a job cooling but it just didn’t seem to cut it.

Review Link : Comp-Shop

Sunbeam Tech 5.25" Rheobus Revision 2 Review
The LED's used in the rheobus are obnoxiously bright. From an angle it's not too bad, but looking at the rheobus dead on, IT WILL MAKE YOU SEE SPOTS! I suppose that would be great at a LAN if you were trying to annoy the competition so they can't see straight, but in most normal scenarios I think the ultra bright LED's are just plain and simple, too damn bright!

Review Link : ExtensionTech

Trek's Thumb Drive Smart
The Thumb Drive Smart is a portable storage device. It requires no external power supply, instead it's powered by a USB port. It's completely plug and play and requires no drivers for Mac, Windows 2000 and XP.

Review Link : TechTastic

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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