Monday News 2

Posted on Monday, February 17 2003 @ 11:59 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck

Compad Speedpad Mousing Surface Review
The pads we were sent to review are the Black and the Clear speed pads, there are other funky colors available such as yellow, green and transparent blue. On opening the thin cardboard sleeve that survived its trip from Germany quite nicely I was greeted with these nice looking pads, the Speed pads are reminiscent of Everglides Gigantica pads but are much much thinner.
Review Link : Ascully

GeForce 4 Ti4200 8X cards shoutout ; Abit, AOpen & MSI.
Of the cards tested, your attention will most likely be riveted on the MSI and Abit cards, both of which feature some pretty funky cooling solutions. MSI's TOPTech cooling system you've already seen in our 4600-8X article, and we were gratified to find that MSI didn't downgrade their cooling for the lower end card. The beautiful monstrosity sitting atop the Siluro 4200 card is Abit's latest pride and joy. The OTES acronym stands for Outside Thermal Exhaust System and you can see that herein lies the precusor, if not the inspiration, for the GeForce FX's cooler.
Review Link : Neoseeker

MSI Ti4600 8X VT2D8X Video Card
Overclocking the VT2D8X and finding the most stable maximum setting took next to no time at all. A speed of 325MHZ graphics core and 702MHz memory is the best I was able to achieve. Compared to the stock timings of 300-Core/650-Memory, these numbers are not really staggering. Since the Ti4800 is the high-end chipset of the GeForce lineup, this falls into the standard pattern of performance we've seen in the past with cards that have reached the end of their headroom.
Review Link : ClubOC

Extreme Alterations Interview
Are you into computer modifications? Well weather you have or have not heard of Extreme Alterations, you will want to check out the interview I had with the founder.
Interview Link : XtReMoDs

OCS Enhanced Radeon 9700 Level III SE video card
So what else is so special about this card you ask? This thing is an absolute BEAST with the Zalman cooler pre-installed and the clock speeds of this card are at almost insane levels. Well above any current product shipping from ATI. From OCSystem, the card comes clocked at a whopping 415MHz Core and 730MHz Memory. If you were looking for the highest performing card available today, this would be it.
Review Link : OCAddiction

PCXmods X-Trac Eels
Even having a high performance mouse pad may not be enough to get super slick response out of your mouse. What do you need then? Perhaps this new product from the makers of the X-Trac mouse pads may be it. Enter, X-Trac Eels. Continue on as we take a look at this new contender in the Teflon tape arena.
Review Link : ExtensionTech, or tryout this howto to make them yourself

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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