Friday News 3

Posted on Friday, June 06 2003 @ 19:46 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck

MADLights was kind enough to send us a sample of their lighting kit. The MADLights are red, green, and blue micro-processor controlled LED light assemblies. Combinations of red, green, and blue within the visible spectrum can literally generate millions of distinguishable samples. With this ability, it is guaranteed that your computer case, or whatever else you choose to light with these LEDs, will show off your own inner colors

Review Link : EnvyNews

Vantec iCEBERQ4 Premium VGA Cooling Kits Review
The Vantec iCEBERQ4 Premium VGA Cooling Kits offer great cooling for just about every Video Card out there. The heatsink is polished copper and thankfully there are four ramsinks included to help cool your Video Cards memory and assist in overclocking. They also have a clear fan, blue clear top and LED's. Watch the Video to find out more
Review Link : 3dGameMan

Overclocking The Intel Motherboard Chipset
Now days, striving for "better" performance is key for your computer system. Everyone is pushing their systems, from the latest video cards to the latest CPU's. Unfortunately, especially in the Intel market, not everyone has the money to buy the latest and fastest CPU's available. Sticking to a strict budget, many computer enthusiasts overclock their motherboards and CPU's to make up for their loss in speed, or to just get better overall performance. An overclocked processor at 2.8GHz will almost always run faster than a stock 2.8GHz because when you overclock, you push your motherboards Front-Side Bus (FSB), making the system run overall a lot faster than the stock 2.8GHz CPU at its standard FSB (533 MHz quad-pumped.)

Link : Geekshelter

Icemat 'After Dark' Mousepad
I found the Icemat 'After Dark' a joy to use, with its great look and specially designed surface. Being constructed of glass it is an unique product. Users may worry about the fragile aspect of glass, but being approximately 3mm thick it would take some force to do any real damage. Each edge of the Icemat 'After Dark' is smooth, so there is no concern about getting cuts from it...

Review Link : Modtown

800MHz FSB P4's
Techware Labs had the opportunity to spend some time with Intel's new 800 MHz front-side bus (FSB) processor family. They compared from the affordable 2.4C GHz to the top of the line 3.0 GHz. The review includes a overview of the features in this processor family, Intel's new Springdale and Canterwood chipsets, and an analysis of processor scaling within this family. The article also focuses on how the relationship between CPU and video card affect various aspects of performance.
Review Link : TWL

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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