The new price cuts are widely seen as timed to take on the 64-bit Athlon 64 processors rolled out by AMD in late September. The Athlon 64 3200+ with 754 pins is priced at US$417 and the more powerful Athlon 64 FX-51 carries a price tag of US$733. The Athlon 64 3200+ and 3000+ for notebooks are priced at US$417 and US$278, respectively. The price for Intel’s soon-to-be-released 3.4GHz processors will start at US$637. It is reported that the price for P4 EE (Extreme Edition) CPUs, developed especially for gamers, will start at US$700 In addition to pitching its Hyper-Threading Technology (HT) processors against AMD’s new lineup, Intel has follow-up plans in store. The company is scheduled to unveil its Grantsdale chipsets in the second quarter of 2004 to support the new-generation Socket T (LGA775) CPU. Intel should also debut the Tejas CPU in the second half of 2004. |
Desktop Pentium 4 prices (US$) |
Speed (GHz) |
May 11 |
Oct 26 |
Change |
3.2 (HTEE) |
- |
700 |
- |
3.4 (HT) |
- |
637 |
- |
3.2 (HT) |
637 |
417 |
(34.5%) |
3.0 (HT) |
417 |
278 |
(33.3%) |
3.06 (HT) |
401 |
262 |
(34.6%) |
2.8 (HT) |
278 |
218 |
(21.5%) |
2.8 |
262 |
193 |
(26.3%) |
2.6 (HT) |
218 |
178 |
(18.3%) |
2.66 |
193 |
163 |
(15.5%) |
2.53 |
193 |
163 |
(15.5%) |
2.4 (HT) |
178 |
- |
- |
2.4 |
163 |
- |
- |
Source : DigiTimes