Intel reduces Centrino prices

Posted on Monday, October 06 2003 @ 20:31 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Yesterday Intel cut the prices of his Pentium M mobile processors. The price cut is ments to clear the road for the arrival of the second-generation Pentium M, which is codenamed Dothan. Price cuts of Intel his line of mobile Pentium 4 and desktop Pentium 4 processors is expected on 26 October.
The prices of the processors themselves fell by up to 34 per cent. Intel also cut the prices of Centrino packages, which bundle the Pentium M, i855 chipset and WirelessPro 802.11b WLAN adaptor, by up to 30 per cent.

Processor Prev. Price New Price Change
1.7GHz Pentium M $637 $423 -34%
1.6GHz Pentium M $423 $294 -31%
1.5GHz Pentium M $294 $241 -18%
1.4GHz Pentium M $241 $209 -12%
1.7GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) $713 $497 -30%
1.7GHz Centrino (855PM chipset) $708 $494 -30%
1.6GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) $499 $368 -26%
1.6GHz Centrino (855PM chipset) $494 $365 -26%
1.5GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) $370 $315 -15%
1.5GHz Centrino (855PM chipset) $365 $312 -15%
1.4GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) $317 $283 -11%
1.4GHz Centrino (855PM chipset) $312 $280 -10%
1.3GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) $285 $283 -1%
1.2GHz Low Voltage/Utra-low Voltage
Centrino (855GM chipset)
$360 $358 -1%
1.1GHz Low Voltage/Utra-low Voltage
Centrino (855GM chipset)
$338 $336 -1%
1.0GHz Low Voltage/Utra-low Voltage
Centrino (855GM chipset)
$338 $336 -1%
900MHz Low Voltage/Utra-low Voltage
Centrino (855GM chipset)
$317 $315 -1%

Source : The Register

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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