The prices of the processors themselves fell by up to 34 per cent. Intel also cut the prices of Centrino packages, which bundle the Pentium M, i855 chipset and WirelessPro 802.11b WLAN adaptor, by up to 30 per cent. |
Processor | Prev. Price | New Price | Change |
1.7GHz Pentium M | $637 | $423 | -34% |
1.6GHz Pentium M | $423 | $294 | -31% |
1.5GHz Pentium M | $294 | $241 | -18% |
1.4GHz Pentium M | $241 | $209 | -12% |
1.7GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) | $713 | $497 | -30% |
1.7GHz Centrino (855PM chipset) | $708 | $494 | -30% |
1.6GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) | $499 | $368 | -26% |
1.6GHz Centrino (855PM chipset) | $494 | $365 | -26% |
1.5GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) | $370 | $315 | -15% |
1.5GHz Centrino (855PM chipset) | $365 | $312 | -15% |
1.4GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) | $317 | $283 | -11% |
1.4GHz Centrino (855PM chipset) | $312 | $280 | -10% |
1.3GHz Centrino (855GM chipset) | $285 | $283 | -1% |
Low Voltage/Utra-low Voltage Centrino (855GM chipset) |
$360 | $358 | -1% |
Low Voltage/Utra-low Voltage Centrino (855GM chipset) |
$338 | $336 | -1% |
Low Voltage/Utra-low Voltage Centrino (855GM chipset) |
$338 | $336 | -1% |
Low Voltage/Utra-low Voltage Centrino (855GM chipset) |
$317 | $315 | -1% |
Source : The Register