August 28, 2002Bron : Warp2Search Site Defaced by Hackers
By Jim Wagner
The RIAA has drawn the scorn of legions of Internet denizens in recent years for its stance on Internet radio broadcast fees and peer-to-peer networking, made famous by the efforts of now-for-sale Napster, with whom the RIAA entered a tempestuous legal battle in 1999.
The hacked site featured such tidbits as "Inside the RIAA with Eric Cartman" -- the best known character from the irreverent Comedy Central cartoon "South Park" -- and "Piracy can be beneficial to the music industry" -- an acerbic touch flung in the face of the biggest opponent of digital music piracy. Also, a link titled "Where can I find information on giant monkeys?" took readers to the biography page of Hilary Rosen, RIAA chief executive officer.
Members of the offbeat online forum cheered the hackers responsible, saying they were not only able to deface the site, but shut it down entirely after thousands flocked to the site to see the defacement.
As of press time, a mirror site of the hacking is available here.
More to come shortly
Mirror site is here.
RIAA site weer gehackt
Posted on Wednesday, August 28 2002 @ 19:13 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) was woensdag het slachtoffer van een deface van hun site, daardoor waren de netwerk admins genoodzaakt de site te sluiten en te zoeken naar het security hole in hun web server...