We are busily completing an extensive testing phase on this new chipset with the ASUS, Gigabyte, abit, and Foxconn boards that we currently have in the labs. We expect retail boards shortly from MSI and Biostar with Intel and DFI following up sometime in November with their products. In the meantime, we have received an avalanche of requests centered on which board performs best out of the available products currently for sale.Read on over here.
We are very close to answering those questions as testing is nearing completion now. However, we did notice a central theme in the majority of the requests and it revolved around the overclocking aspects of the boards and performance comparisons to the current chipsets. We will show the comparisons against other chipsets in the full board reviews and offer in-depth overclocking results with multiple CPU and memory configurations. The quick overview we are presenting today will help set the stage for those articles by answering our maximum FSB rates attained with the Intel Q6600 and E6550.
Closer look at overclocking on the Intel X38
Posted on Saturday, October 27 2007 @ 10:11 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck