Nvidia won the hearts of John Carmak, the rocket man, after the incident where someone from ATI apparently or allegedly leaked the Doom 3 game. From that moment on, Carmak was claiming that even NV30 is good for the game and his engine that can use Nvidia’s 8x1 NV30/35/38 architecture, when Z passes are not needed.Source: The Inquirer
As ATi got Half Life 2, it was natural to assume that Nvidia had to ship Doom 3, Unreal Tournament 2004 or some similar title to win some market share back.
It already has the upcoming Unreal tournament 2004 in its pocket as Mark Rain man with the attitude has been an Nvidia friendly chap for a long time.. We know that Nvidia was betting on Doom 3 horse last summer but Carmak, as we’ve said millions of times is a fellow that works three days as a game programmer, and the other two days plays with a rocket that he wants to send in space and get some money from NASA and obviously become even more famous then he is already. If Nvidia should announce Doom 3 voucher then it will be in a serious case of Voucher Wars with ATIlla. Well it seems that NV40 + Doom 3 will be up against R420 + Half Life 2 voucher. Nasty fight.
NV40 to be bundled with Doom III?
Posted on Monday, February 16 2004 @ 22:19 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
New rumours are spreading that NVIDIA might spread a Doom III voucher with its latest cards like the NV40.