We finally had a chance to try Google's new e-mail service and we're happy to say that, for the most part, we love it! In this article, we'll give you an overview of what you can expect from Gmail, as well as what we liked and didn't like about it. We'll also tell you what we think needs to be added to make it even better.You can find it here
Just in case you've been living in a cave with no Internet connection, Gmail is Google's almost-ready e-mail service. The company will be taking on Hotmail and Yahoo in the webmail arena. With rumors flying around about Yahoo and Microsoft beefing up their search services, Google is sticking a thumb in their collective eyes with this new service. One of its key features is a full gigabyte of disk space for your mail.
Google Gmail Preview
Posted on Friday, May 07 2004 @ 22:07 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
ExtremeTech gives you a little insight in Google's mail service, Gmail: