Since DDR2 memory is likely to be priced at high level initially, Intel added support for conventional DDR SDRAM into mainstream and performance-mainstream oriented i915-series chipsets. PCI Express x16 graphics cards are not likely to be charged higher compared to solutions intended for AGP 8x bus, but it appears that Intel still decided to add support for AGP 8x slot into its new core-logic products for some reason.More info at X-bit Labs
A number of mainboard makers, including Gigabyte and ECS, will launce i915P-powered platforms with PEG x16 and AGP 8x slots for graphics cards.
Earlier this year it transpired that VIA Technologies added support for AGP 8x into its PT890 core-logic set that also sports PCI Express x16, dual-channel DDR/DDR2 SDRAM memory and other up-to-date capabilities.
Intel adds AGP support back into Grantsdale
Posted on Friday, June 04 2004 @ 22:58 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Intel has added support for AGP in their i915 Grantsdale chipsets. Normally these chipsets wouldn't feature AGP anymore.