The chip defect has also affected the supply of DDR2 chips and PCI Express graphic cards as related makers have slowed their production or capacity ramps amid weakened confidence over the 915 chipsets, the sources claimed.Source: DigiTimes
It is “regrettable,” said Jonney Shih, chairman of Asustek Computer, Taiwan’s largest motherboard maker, while commenting that the impact of the chip defect on global motherboard sales will be limited.
However, other motherboard vendors are now looking for sequential sales growth of 10-15% in the third quarter, down from the previously estimated 15-20%, as demand in the channel is likely to be weighed down, according to the sources. Demand from PC OEMs should remain strong, however.
"Full availability of Intel's Grantsdale not expected before end of July"
Posted on Friday, July 09 2004 @ 16:18 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Although Intel has already resumed shipments of 915 chipments Taiwanese motherboard vendors believe that these chips will not be fully available until late July. They also think that the amount of defective 915 chipsets might be higher than previously estimated, which could case further delay at production ramps of motherboard makers.