KaZaA Update With this new version of KaZaA you get more reliable, more secure software.Deze versie is te downloaden vanop http://www.kazaa.com/en/download.htm
New Anti-Virus Measures This release includes further protection for users against viruses such as Backdoor.K0wbot.1.3.B. and Benjamin.
Less Vulnerable A rare vulnerability has been discovered and fixed in in which an attacker could crash your KaZaA. Get v1.7.2 and protect your KaZaA experience.
Clearer Communication The new KaZaA installer improves your understanding of what you are installing. Learn about how KaZaA is kept free and install v1.7.2
Improved Search & Download Performance Improvements in v1.7.2 mean that digitally rights managed content will now be easier to find and more successful to download.
Maar misschien is het toch een beetje verstandiger om te wachten op de Lite versie hier van, die waarschijnlijk een van de komende dagen zal verschijnen op http://www.kazaalite.com .
Dit is juist hetzelfde als KaZaA maar dan zonder de spyware.