The latest processor roadmap from Intel clearly shows that in 2005 the company will replace most of its processors by dual-core processors. Exceptions that won't get a dual-core version in 2005 are the Low Voltage-versions of the Xeon DP and Itanium DP processors. But a dual-core version of the LV Itanium DP is currently planned for the second half of 2006.
The Pentium M codenamed Yonah will also be launched with two cores. And by the end of 2006 Intel is planning to implent 64-bit extensions (EM64T) in its Pentium M processors.
Source: Tweakers
Intel to replace most of its processors by dual-core versions in 2005
Posted on Monday, August 23 2004 @ 1:12 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck