Engineers in the company's Live Labs have released the company's first application for Apple's popular smartphone--even before making it available on Microsoft's own mobile platform. Seadragon Mobile, which was added to Apple's App Store on Saturday, is a free image-browsing app that allows users to quickly "deep zoom" images while online and is intended to demonstrate what is possible with a mobile platform.
Seadragon is the backbone for Microsoft's Photosynth, which allows users to take a grouping of photographs and stitch them together into a faux 3D environment.
Microsoft unveils Seadragon image browser for iPhone
Posted on Monday, December 15 2008 @ 21:57 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
CNET noticed Microsoft has released its first application for the Apple iPhone. It's an image browser named Seadragon Mobile, and oddly enough it isn't even available yet for Windows Mobile. Microsoft states they released it first for the iPhone because it's the most widely distributed phone with a GPU, most other phones don't have accelerated graphics.