As if two CPUs on one board wasn't enough, VIA built a Quad CPU technology demonstration board especially for the show. With two copies of their AES encryption benchmark running, all 4 EPIA-N CPUs were active, as shown in the last picture below. There are no current plans to produce an "EPIA QP" just yet (our name, not theirs) - but we can only hope...More info and photos at Mini-ITX
VIA presents dual core Mini-ITX motherboard
Posted on Thursday, October 07 2004 @ 17:38 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
VIA presented a prototype af a dual-core Mini-ITX motherboard ath the Fall Processor Forum in San Jose. The company hopes to release the EPIA Dual Processor in Q1 2005, it will be powered by two Eden-N CPUs.