In the 24th edition of the TOP500 List of World’s Fastest Supercomputers released on November 8, 232 of the systems included are powered by Intel Xeon processors. The Xeon’s rise to prominence has been rapid, from just one Xeon-powered system in the June 2002 list, to 20 in November 2002, 76 in June 2003, 152 in November 2003, and 223 in June of this year.
Intel processors, including the Itanium and Xeon, now power 318 (63.6%) of the top 500 systems. IBM Power CPUs rank second with 54 systems, Hewlett-Packard (HP) CPUs third with 50 systems and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) fourth with 31 systems.
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Almost 50% of world's supercomputers powered by Intel Xeon processors
Posted on Wednesday, November 10 2004 @ 13:59 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck