To sum up, you have good frontal ports, in a nicely designed sturdy case with acrylic layering over the front, a cool window mod with a clear blowhole fan, and a top vent fan built-in for extra cooling if overclocking. A strong plus for the case is its sound activated cathode, which has different settings and can really liven things up, a big improvement over normal cathodes.
Also, this case comes at a very cheap price considering the level of modding and the actual case structure. A lot of places add custom charges for each mod done, which can rack up a price considerably before much at all has been done; but here we have pre-built options that should suit anyone.
Review : Xoxide X300 Super Mid-Tower
Posted on Tuesday, September 17 2002 @ 14:16 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
ipKonfig has reviewed Xoxide's X300 Super Mid-Tower , a premodded case :