MSN launches adCenter - new PPC advertising service

Posted on Thursday, March 17 2005 @ 17:18 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Today Microsoft will unveil its MSN adCenter - which might become a serious competitor to Google's AdWords and Yahoo's Overture. The PPC (pay per click) ads solution from Microsoft will start a pilot program in Singapore and France within the next six months to gather feedback from customers.

Within the MSN adCenter platform, the new MSN paid-search solution will be tightly integrated with other future capabilities to give advertisers a one-stop shop from which to plan, execute and adjust their online campaigns. The new MSN paid-search solution will provide keyword buyers with in-depth audience intelligence including geographic location, gender, age group, lifestyle segment and time of day. As a result, advertisers should be able to plan more strategic advertising investments and achieve higher click-to-buy conversion rates among consumers.

MSN remains committed to working with Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture) and will continue to collaborate with it to offer high-quality search listings to advertisers.