Line up for the event starts at 7pm on the 23rd, the doors open at 9pm, and the store opening is at midnight on the 24th. Customers can buy the PSP once the store is officially opened. Before that they’ll “be treated to sneak peeks of new games, giveaways, surprise appearances and more.”More information at The Gadget Files
Location: Sony Style - 550 Madison Avenue (55th and Madison) - New York, NY 10022
Sony to host PlayStation Portable kick-off party in New York
Posted on Monday, March 21 2005 @ 21:39 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Sony will kick off the PlayStation Portable with a party on Wednesday - for the midnight opening of the Sony Style Store in New York City. The premiere party will be one of the first opportunities for consumers to get their hands on the highly anticipated Sony PSP gaming console.