Dempsey is part of a dual-core server platform called Bensley, which features Intel's Hyperthreading technology along with its new high-speed I/O acceleration channel. "We will ship thousands of seed systems to OEMs and the ISV community, in the second half of this year," Talwalkar said in an interview after the event. The platform will officially launch during 2006, he added.Read more about Intel's upcoming processor at InformationWeek
The Paxville dual-core part can be fitted into existing motherboards made for single-core Xeon processors. All that's required to get the CPU up and running is a BIOS update.
Intel shows off dual-core Dempsey and Paxville Xeons
Posted on Saturday, May 07 2005 @ 3:01 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Intel today presented dual-core Xeon server processors at an analyst meeting in New York. The company showed off two working servers with two different dual-core Xeon processors: Dempsey and Paxville.