"Note to the hard-core faithful: the next version of Halo will not, repeat not, be ready in time for the launch of Xbox 360. It will be part of the all-important second wave next spring. 'It's perfect,' Gates says, radiant with bloodlust. 'The day Sony launches [the new PlayStation], and they walk right into Halo 3.'"We'll leave in between whether Halo 3 will be able to spoil the PS3 sales but Microsoft will need to hurry up because Sony said last week it's considering a late 2005 launch. More details at Gamesarefun
Well, Mr. Gates definitely seems smug about the entire thing and is undoubtedly confident in Halo 3's ability to have a major impact on sales of the PS3.
Halo 3 to disrupt PlayStation 3 sales?
Posted on Monday, May 16 2005 @ 2:56 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
It seems that Microsoft is planning to launch Halo 3 on the same day as Sony will launch its PlayStation 3: