NVIDIA announced that its entire line of nForce chipsets for the AMD64 platform feature full support AMD 's new Athlon 64 X2 dual-core processor. The Athlon 64 X2 processor is compatible with existing nForce 3 and nForce 4 motherboards, after applying a BIOS update.
NVIDIA has shipped more than eight million NVIDIA nForce MCPs for AMD64 platforms, including NVIDIA nForce4 and NVIDIA nForce3 MCPs for PCI-Express- and AGP-based platforms. In addition, the Company has seen continued sales momentum for its NVIDIA SLI solutions, resulting in hundreds of editorial awards for the Company’s worldwide community of add-in card, motherboard, system integrators, and OEM partners.
According to the most recent report by industry analyst firm Mercury Research, NVIDIA nForce MCPs now account for approximately 55 percent of the AMD64 market, an increase of seven percent over the previous calendar quarter.
NVIDIA says nForce supports Athlon 64 X2 dual-core processor
Posted on Wednesday, June 01 2005 @ 15:48 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck