Eager for an explanation, Tom's Hardware reached out to Nvidia for its response, understanding that owners of $400, $500, and $1000 graphics cards want to know why their boards are misbehaving. The company sent over an official response to the GeForce GTX 600-series stuttering issue, which reads:
We have received reports of an intermittent v-sync stuttering issue from some of our customers. We’ve root caused the issue to a driver bug and identified a fix for it. The fix requires extensive testing though, and will not be available until our next major driver release targeted for June (post-R300). For users experiencing this issue, the interim workaround is to disable v-sync via the Nvidia Control Panel or in-game graphics settings menu.
NVIDIA to fix GeForce 600-series V-Sync stuttering with next major driver
Posted on Monday, May 21 2012 @ 20:31 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck