NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX is a tweaked NV40

Posted on Monday, July 04 2005 @ 22:38 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Inquirer says the new NVIDIA G70 (aka GeForce 7800 GTX) is nothing more than a tweaked NV40 (GeForce 6800) core with additional pipelines and some new features.

So the GeForce 7800 GTX isn't really a brand new design but just a redesigned old architecture. But it doesn't really matters as it is faster and cooler than the previous generation. And more important is that it wasn't a paper launch, the GeForce 7800 GTX was shipping at the day of launch.

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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