The HD 8570 which we are looking at today features 384 stream processors/ GCN cores, 24 texture units and a core clock speed of 730MHz. The memory bus is 128 but with 4.6GHz GDDR5 or 1.8GHz GDDR3 versions available. With 384 GCN cores it has about 33% less than a HD 7750 so we should expect a performance drop of around 25% or more over the HD 7750. However, the testing that was done pitted the HD 8570 up against the Nvidia GT 630 graphics card in its performance exposé. The reason being is that the GT 630 (OEM) and HD 8570 (OEM) will probably be priced similarly – around the £45-50 mark.
AMD Radeon HD 8570 Oland Pro benchmarks leak
Posted on Monday, April 22 2013 @ 13:09 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck