Of much debate in recent years, for example, has been Apple's policy regarding dead pixels on displays in its products. Reports have varied as to what Apple considers normal and abnormal in this regard, from specific numbers of dead pixels required in order to receive a free replacement to the location of such pixels. Unknown to many Apple retail store customers, especially those dialing AppleCare for help with the matter, at the manager's discretion any retail store is able to replace displays, laptops, or iMacs with even a single dead pixel, regardless of location. Even displays that exhibit dead pixels within the "normal" range can be replaced free of charge if the customer deems the so-called "pixel anomaly" unacceptable.Read on at ThinkSecret
Apple's retail store policies
Posted on Saturday, August 06 2005 @ 23:33 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
By the end of October more than 125 Apple retail stores will be opened and Think Secret got its hands on some interesting notes regarding Apple's retail store policies.