AMD Radeon R9 Fury X2 to pack 12 teraflops

Posted on Monday, February 01 2016 @ 13:13 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
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AMD's Roy Taylor revealed recently that the upcoming Radeon R9 Fury X2 dual-GPU video card will deliver 12 teraflops of single-precision computing power. It's just a little bit more than the 11 teraflops offered by the Radeon R9 295X2, but a key difference is that the Fury X2 uses just 375W of power, whereas the old dual-GPU card requires 500W. This implies the new dual-GPU model has a 40 percent higher energy efficiency.
During his speech, Taylor said: "Last time I was here I also promised you that we would make the world's most powerful small computer for developers. We promised you we would take two of our highest end GPUs and put it inside that tiny box and if you go downstairs we actually have a demonstration of a dual GPU, 12 TeraFlops, fastest GPU solution in the world, inside of Tiki. It's a feat of engineering we are delighted with".
The official launch date of the card is still unknown. It was supposed to arrive around Fall 2015 but according to the latest rumors AMD delayed to card to Q2 2016 to align the launch with the VR ecosystem.

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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