NVIDIA automotive chips see fast growth, soon to be in over 25 million cars

Posted on Friday, February 19 2016 @ 16:13 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
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NVIDIA revealed fourth-quarter sales of its automotive computer chips hit a record $93 million, up 18 percent versus the previous quarter and up 68 percent year-over-year. CEO Jen-Hsun Huang elaborated that they shipped chips for around 5 million to 6 million cars and that they have another 20 million to 25 million car chips in their pipeline.
We're working with quite a large number of customers now, car companies, start-up companies, companies that are largely cloud-based and have an enormous amount of data that they could transform into an automotive service, transportation as a service. And so we're working with a whole lot of different types of companies, and I think this is going to be an area of quite a significant industrial revolution; and arguably quite a gigantic society good in the long-term. So anyways we're working on a lot of projects there.
The graphics firm also said that Volvo will be rolling out a fleet of 100 self-driving cars in its hometown of Gothenburg, Sweden in 2017. These vehicles will all use NVIDIA's DRIVE PX 2 solution:
As many of you saw, DRIVE PX 2 is a supercomputing platform the size of a lunch box that processes 24 trillion deep learning operations a second and delivers 8 teraflops of processing power, equivalent to that of 150 MacBook Pros. It is a flexible platform that automotive developers can scale from one to four processors, and it can utilize passive cooling or integrate seamlessly with the water cooling systems of self-driving EVs. Capable of fusing data from cameras, lidar, radar and ultrasonic sensors, it creates a full 360-degree understanding of what is happening around the vehicle. It localizes the vehicle on an HD map and it determines a safe path forward for using deep learning techniques.
Via: Seeking Alpha

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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