We don't know a lot yet but it seems it is AMD's goal to set up a new ecosystem of external GPU solutions with standardized connectors, cables, and drivers. External video card solutions have been around since last decade but it's a very fractured landscape that never really caught on due to a variety of issues.
Alright, let's have some Real Talkā¢ about gaming on the go. Gaming notebooks are great for gaming, but nobody in their right mind wants to carry one all the time. Ultrathin notebooks are awesome to carry, but nobody in their right mind would confuse one for a gaming notebook.
But there's still a HUGE appetite for thin notebooks that can game. I also bet there's a bunch of gamers out there who, as they get into their 30s and 40s, wouldn't mind condensing their entire computing life down into one device that does it all. I ALSO bet that some people wouldn't mind giving up an mITX LAN rig if their notebook had the potential to serve that role with gusto.
External GPUs are the answer. External GPUs with standardized connectors, cables, drivers, plug'n'play, OS support, etc.
More info very soon.