BFG's AGEIA PhysX card

Posted on Tuesday, September 06 2005 @ 10:20 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
An Asian website called PC Pop has posted some information about an upcoming PPU from BFG. A PPU is a Physics Processing Unit and this card will use AGEIA's PhysX to make physics in computer games more realistic.

The BFG card comes with 128MB and uses the PCI interface. It should arrive by the end of this year for about $199.

More details and photos can be found at this babelfished page.

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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Re: BFG's AGEIA PhysX card
by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 06 2005 @ 10:44 CEST
Doesn't dual-core render this obsolete?

  • Reply by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 06 2005 @ 21:08 CEST

    No, some people compare a PPU to a GPU. A PPU is a chip dedicated to physics just like a GPU is dedicated to do graphics calculations.

  • Reply by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 21 2006 @ 21:30 CET

    Saludos desde Mexico ;-)

Re: BFG's AGEIA PhysX card
by Anonymous on Thursday, November 17 2005 @ 6:34 CET
No while Novodex (the software physics renderer from Ageia) is able to utilize the dual cores. It still is only able to render some 6,000 objects on a single screen. With the Phys-X chip able to take all the physics away from the processors it will be able to do several times that amount possibly in the 15,000-20,000+ range.

So while Dual core will be nice from a software rendering aspect the Phys-X card is still the choice here for is superior rendering capabilities and freeing up the processors for more important things like User control and A.I.

  • Reply by Anonymous on Thursday, March 23 2006 @ 21:30 CET

    But what is it really going to be worth on a PCI slot? Shouldn't they be making cards to take advantage of the PCI-4X? Or even a PCI-16X slot? you could probably forget about 15-20k objects then and look at more like 100k :P this is practically going to be a second graphics card. Wait till they start making it backward compaitble with all the old games! If they did that alot of people would be keeping their old graphics cards around a lot longer. But for 200$ they have alot of balls putting that on the stupid PCI slot. Nvidia users can just go out and buy a second GPU for sli for that price and double their performance!

    • Reply by Anonymous on Friday, May 05 2006 @ 13:50 CEST

      Wrong... it is a PPU.. SLI will never acheive what this dedicated enviroment processor does.... it doing what 3dfx did for gaming in the 90... a true revolution in gaming... do some reading you will see what I mean.