Posted on Monday, April 09 2018 @ 10:10 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Microsoft's general manager for Windows Erin Chappie
revealed that the Windows 10 operating system for Qualcomm's ARM-based Snapdragon SoCs will soon get 64-bit support. This was one of the bigger limitations of the platform. A new SDK for ARM64 apps will be rolled out at the Microsoft Build conference in May.
With the new SDK, developers would be able to natively recompile their apps to run in 64-bit on ARM-based PCs like the ASUS NovaGo. This opens up app support for the platform, which previously only supported 32-bit apps. The potentially greater app compatibility is welcome, since this was one of the biggest drawbacks of Windows on Snapdragon devices. But whether you'll get the higher performance that you'd typically expect out of 64-bit apps will depend on the Snapdragon 835 CPU that powers the current generation of the PCs in question.