Watch the official Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Launch Trailer that showcases the all new graphical and technical enhancements on display in the PC version, as Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang desperately try to outrun the law. After being hounded off the mainland, Arthur and the gang find themselves caught in a local conflict on the shores of a remote Caribbean island, disoriented and yearning to find a path back to their hidden fortune - and the dreams of a better future promised by their charming and increasingly erratic leader, Dutch van der Linde.
Time is running out to pre-purchase Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC direct from Rockstar Games to receive exclusive bonuses including a free Rockstar Games PC title, extras for Story Mode like the War Horse, the Outlaw Survival Kit and the Le Trésor des Morts Treasure Map, 50 Gold Bars for Red Dead Online, and discounts on Special and Ultimate Edition upgrades. Pre-purchasers can now pre-load the game in preparation for launch on November 5th.
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Launch Trailer arrives
Posted on Monday, November 04 2019 @ 10:36 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Just before the weekend, Rockstar Games published the PC launch trailer of Red Dead Redemption 2. The PC version of the game launches tomorrow and users who pre-ordered the game are already seeing preloads of 110GB on their hard disk. Definitely one of the more exciting games of the year.