The clockspeed will reportedly be 1670MHz Game Clock and up to 1845MHz Boost. The Radeon RX 5500 series has a 128-bit memory bus for up to 224GB/s of memory bandwidth, it will be paired with 4GB or 8GB GDDR6 memory. The cards also support PCI Express 4.0 but that's not really relevant here.
AMD compares its new Navi 14-based Radeon RX 5500 graphics card against NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 1650 in marketing material, with games like Far Cry New Dawn, Battlefield V, GTA V, and many more seeing an average of 49% more performance over the GTX 1650. In super-popular esports games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch and PUBG we're looking at an average of 37% more performance with the Radeon RX 5500 over the GTX 1650.Via: TweakTown