Posted on Saturday, December 19 2020 @ 16:52 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
It's been quite a while since I've noticed a Hotfix release from NVIDIA but yesterday the company issued the GeForce 460.97 Hotfix driver. This version is based on the 460.89 driver and fixes five issues. Installation is not recommended if you don't experience the issues listed below. You can download the driver
over here.
The hotfix addresses the following issues:
Some apps that use NVML may not detect GPU [3200758]
Stutter may be observed with some configurations in Marvel's Avengers [3197999]
Lenovo Y740 may display corruption on waking from sleep [3178279]
Some notebooks may BSOD when waking from sleep while connected to external monitor via dock/dongle [3162411]
With HDR enabled, black levels are incorrect. [200682795]