World's biggest game show normally takes place in Los Angeles but the pandemic has made it impossible to plan a physical event for June 2021. Officially, ESA is still doing preparations for a physical event but sources in the video game publishing industry say they're working under the assumption that this event will not take place.
The "re-imagined" version of the E3 will consist of three days of livestreamed coverage. ESA plans to organize several two-hour keynote sessions, an awards show, a preview night, and some smaller streams for game publishers, influencers and media partners. However, the plan still requires the backing of video game publishers, and it seems not everyone is fully onboard:
It’s unclear how many publishers have signed up for E3 2021’s digital event, though at least one major games company VGC spoke to indicated that it would continue to run its own separate digital showcase, rather than paying the six-figure sums required to join E3 2021’s schedule.
However, The ESA – which is funded by and serves the interest of games publishers – would argue that a unified digital games event would grab the world’s attention more effectively than a series of smaller shows.
In a statement issued to VGC, the ESA said it would soon share exact details on this year’s E3 show and claimed it was having “great conversations” with developers and publishers, but would not confirm who had signed up for the event.