Posted on Friday, November 04 2005 @ 23:50 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Inquirer reports the PlayStation RSX chip from NVIDIA has already taped out and that this graphics chip will work at 550MHz. They also report about the G71 which will be launched in the first quarter of 2006.
We managed to confirm that we can actually talk about RSX, as it's G71 and vice versa. Sony just wants millions of chips and it can get them at 90 nanometre. When it comes to graphic performance, the RSX can process 24 pixels with its 24 pipelines while an Xbox 360 powered with ATI's Xenos, R500 chip can do no more no less than double, 48 pixels per clock.
When it comes to G71 as a graphic chip, Nvidia will get that chip to insane speeds and we expect at least 650 to 700MHz for the cherry picked top of the range.
They also write Sony and NVIDIA position the GeForce 7800 GTX with 512MB memory to be the performance estimates of the RSX chips.