Intel is scheduled to launch the 946-chipset family in conjunction with the ICH7 southbridge in the second quarter of 2006, the same time when the 965 series bundled with the ICH8 will also hit the market, indicated the sources. The full-line of Broadwater chipsets will be built using 90nm process technology and are aimed at pushing forward migration to DDR2 memory and dual-core CPU architecture, the sources noted.By the first half of 2006, Intel is expected to launch about seven new chipsets. This will include the full Broadwater chipset lineup along with the 945GT for small-form factor PCs and the integrated 945GZ.
Intel preparing 946 entry-level chipset
Posted on Saturday, November 26 2005 @ 11:25 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Intel has prepared a follow-up to its 915 chipsets , DigiTimes reports. This will be the 946 series of entry-level chipsets which will be featured in the Broadwater product line.