By 2008 AMD is set to introduce its so-called Direct Connect architecture 2.0 that would improve interconnection between processors and processing engines within a chip. The new interconnection architecture will allow more than 8 processors to be connected in a single coherent memory system without the need for additional logic devices. The company plans to offer the architecture that will allow to easily build up to 32-way systems.More details over here.
In addition, AMD, along with its infrastructure partners, plans to incorporate and support DDR3 memory technology. The first samples of such products are set to emerge in 2007, whereas the first DDR3-supporting products for consumers, such as AMD Athlon 64 and Sempron processors, will be available in 2008, according to the current plans of AMD.
AMD to adopt interconnect architecture and DDR3 by 2008
Posted on Sunday, November 27 2005 @ 3:42 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
By 2008 AMD will introduce enhanced multi-core processors with built-in DDR3 memory controllers as well as to present platform initiatives that allow more than 8 physical processors to be installed into a single computer system.