In addition to demonstrating a unique cooling solution, we wanted to make a bold statement that a Pentium M computer can make a great gaming machine. Why is that important? When you're serious about making your computer quiet, heat becomes a very real issue, and the low heat output of a Pentium M comes in very handy! But how does it perform? While Claude rightfully pointed out that the system takes a performance hit in desktop applications, he also correctly stated that it still has excellent performance in video and photo editing. How about gaming? This is a gaming rig after all, and the benchmarks speak for themselves -- it is AMAZING at gaming. This is the point we wanted to make, and the point that the review completely missed. Just take a look at the graphs below (our Pentium M system is the blue bar at the top).Read on over here.
Gaming with the Pentium M
Posted on Thursday, December 01 2005 @ 1:15 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck