Some people with knowledge of the matter confirmed that Intel will reduce the prices on its Pentium 4 and Celeron microprocessors on Thursday, 10th of November. Here is the price-list for the tray versions of Intel’s processors bought in quantities starting from one thousand units.Source : X-bit Labs
Intel Pentium 4 Pricing, effective November 10, 2002 Model New Price Price Cut (%) Pentium 4 3.06GHz $637 - Pentium 4 2.80GHz $401 21% Pentium 4 2.66GHz $305 24% Pentium 4 2.60GHz $305 24% Pentium 4 2.53GHz $193 20% Pentium 4 2.40GHz $163 15% Pentium 4 2.20GHz $163 15% Intel Celeron Pricing, effective November 10, 2002 Celeron 2.20GHz $103 - Celeron 2.10GHz $89 - Celeron 2.0GHz $83 20% Celeron 1.80GHz $69 18% Celeron 1.70GHz $54 23% Celeron 1.40GHz $54 N/D Celeron 1.30GHz $54 N/D
Intel to cut prices on the 10th of November
Posted on Friday, November 01 2002 @ 13:35 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
X-bit Labs discoverded some info about a price reduction of Intel CPUs on 10 november :