More Doom 3 leakage news ...

Posted on Wednesday, November 06 2002 @ 5:43 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
I've received another mail from 'someone from ID',
I really don't know if he's real , or just a lame ass faker, but I'm posting this because it's maybe true,
Anyway here's the mail :
Thanks for posting that. We have found out some more info about this recent situation. Apparently the people at Zelaron and Iownjoo are not new to the scene. They have members there that have been releasing information on our game as well as other games and seem to be a meeting place for some hardcore gamers. While we are not sure yet, we think they have some additional info and tools on the Doom 3 game, as well as other important information on other games in development.

We have tried contacting both of them but with no luck. I have been talking with several news sources in the past couple of hours about this and we are getting flooded with questions and such. If they have gotten some of the important development tools as suspected, development may be delayed on the game. We are in contact with other game companies and individuals who are constantly trying to figure out what's going on. In conclusion, it looks like this goes a lot deeper then we thought, and that the sites and individuals from these sites have a lot more then just the Doom 3 alpha demo.
Hi mister cutie Doom 3 monster ROOAAAAAAAUW

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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Re: More Doom 3 leakage news ...
by killzone on Wednesday, November 06 2002 @ 23:39 CET
So theyre going to punish everyone for the actions of a few. Corporations suck.

  • Reply by Anonymous on Thursday, November 07 2002 @ 10:50 CET

    The guy is obviously fake, the development tools are built into the game (I think for the people that get it working, they will find it being quite cool, you can see the lighting in realtime in the editor)

    So as for development tools, that guy is full of shit, as I've said, the tools are built into the game... and no, I won't be helping people to get the tools running.

    Note for those who do: The tools are unstable, don't judge the product in its current state.

Re: More Doom 3 leakage news ...
by Anonymous on Thursday, November 07 2002 @ 16:57 CET
wake me when this is over and I can buy the damn thing.

  • Reply by Anonymous on Friday, November 08 2002 @ 0:56 CET

    really, if they HAVE more than just the demo and not just the alpha demo they HAVE to push the game release a little into the future. That's not a weird thing considering they are making a living on it. Judge these kinda ppl only when ur own money is also at stake so you have some right to actually make a judgement in a connection where only those involved in the developement and who's money is at stake really has any right to be angry. And plz, don't come with any lamo "this is more important than money" bs. If I was a developer and it was MY money that had just been jeopardised like this, I would be kinda pissed too. So really, the money of the developers is the only thing that comes to play in this and actually has any meaning of doing so. Sure, a few thousand 10-14 yr old gamers are gonna spam every board in the world saying "id SUCK!" But wtf, who really cares?

    • Reply by Anonymous on Friday, November 08 2002 @ 8:16 CET

      except for the one thing you're missing. that you're full of shit. what money are they losing from an alpha demo getting out? They don't have any finished products out. sure you could copy it and give it to someone, but these games always come out on game magazine discs way before release anyway.

      As far as having to wait, I couldn't care less. We've been waiting since 92 for this.

      • Reply by Anonymous on Friday, November 08 2002 @ 14:42 CET

        HOw the hell have you been waiting since '92 for this... jeez waiting for one game.. your obviously the one full of shit.

        Give the developers a chance of earning a living... that is why the industry is where it is.. not because some ***** sucker like you who bitches about it wants it sooner rather than when it's done properly...


  • Reply by Anonymous on Friday, November 08 2002 @ 13:22 CET

  • Reply by Anonymous on Friday, November 08 2002 @ 13:22 CET

Should've released Doom 3 Shareware version ;)
by Anonymous on Saturday, November 09 2002 @ 18:31 CET
The doom 1 & 2 shareware versions that were spread out amongst users by users for users is what gave Doom & ID the popularity they have today...

I wish they'd release a shareware version of Doom 3 as well....let it spread out everywhere on all sites and ftps like the old games did. What better advertisement could they want? It'd also beat back the old defensive comment made by people who download these games as warez..."I'm just gonna try it before I buy it.".

  • Reply by Anonymous on Saturday, November 09 2002 @ 18:57 CET

    It'd also beat back the old defensive comment made by people who download these games as warez..."I'm just gonna try it before I buy it.".

    Yes , that's true

    • Reply by Anonymous on Monday, December 15 2003 @ 14:17 CET

      Yeah right, everyone's gonna download a 2-gig shareware program. Duh!